Ducking My Head Between The Pages

Photo by cottonbro on

Ducking my head between the pages
This mounting pile – high on my desk
Picture postcard from the far gone
Lost her to traveling’ roadside burlesque

Hiding my mind between the sheets
But my coffee had long grown cold
Writings spilled slightly on the saucer
Loneliness steeped until its forever bold

My Love Rests Beyond The Ocean

My love rests beyond the ocean
Beyond the miles I can’t control
The one I need to return to
The one whom is intertwined with my soul
Marking stitches upon the globe
I’m stuck on faraway shores
Missing the girl who makes my heart smile
Knowing I don’t want to travel anymore
The world holds no interest to me
For without my bride, I only see greyscale
Time & distance, mere obstacles
I’m coming back, even though I no longer sail

Image by Milada Vigerova from Pixabay 

Traveling The World

Photo by Germannavyphotograph on

Traveling the world
Collecting bookstore bookmarks
Coffee mugs & pin-up tattoos
Panamanian pipes that won’t catch a spark

Too many nights spent at sea
With a soundtrack of ‘Fortunate Son’
Morale melts out there on the flight deck
Mirages of mermaids, sanity comes undone

There’s a mission, but we don’t really know
Waking again to see only the sea is a nightmare
“Are you man enough for this adventure?”
Recruiters preach, but it’s different out there

Time To Say Goodbye

My time has come to a close on another trip to Japan. Over the past 15 years I’ve been blessed to visit 3 times, including a year in 2007. I’ve experienced a lot that I never dreamed I would do. I don’t know if I will ever be back, but I’m glad I’ve had this trip to soak in a beautiful culture once again.

Japan is a mind blowing country. I have never seen anything like it.

Have Typewriter

Have typewriter

Not going to travel

This B is heavy


I’ve seen the world

I’ve seen bombed out churches in Berlin

I’ve seen the beggars on Cathedral steps

I’ve seen disparity of wealth in Banana Republics

I’m going to stay home & remind my family

They’re worth more than all the forgotten empires around the globe. 

I’ve Traveled The World

Photo by Pok Rie on

I’ve traveled the world
& I keep returning to the same notion
I’ve seen interesting places
But I never again want to sail the ocean

My simple truth is that I’m content
I’ve found a good life; that should be clear
The grass is never greener anywhere else
We’re on an amazing course; we shouldn’t veer

There are so many opportunities
I would never close any of those doors
I don’t ever want to let go of your hand
Now that I have & forevermore come ashore

Ray Bradbury



“I have never listened to anyone who criticized my taste in space travel, sideshows or gorillas. When this occurs, I pack up my dinosaurs and leave the room.”
― Ray Bradbury, Zen in the Art of Writing