– before nobody –

Photo by Vinu00edcius Vieira ft on Pexels.com

– before nobody –

The empty seats
As I recite my words
The theatre gone dark
I maintain composure
Feeling anxiety attack
Slowly enunciate
Tonguing those syllables
They way you taught me
I shouldn’t be here
No place for a writer
Rescue me from this stage

Semicolon – the garter belt of language

Panic Attacks At The Waffle House

Photo by Artem Saranin on Pexels.com

Panic attacks at the Waffle House
Smacked by anxiety first thing Christmas morn
Too much going on / overstimulation
My mind is no place to be so adorned

Quietly doing my best amidst the strife
Where can I go to firmly escape
Duties & pressure of this daily existence
This life hides hope behind heavy drapes

Some days you just have to save yourself
We’re born into a burdensome fatigue
Toiling away, clawing at abstract survival
But we’re all a little bush league

I’m not always the most logical
Taking a walk to subvert the paradigm
But I like to think I’m reasonable
Soft rain & crisp air embracing recovery time

A Palpable Desire

A palpable desire
Feeling it from deep within
Drowning my anxiety
Beneath 4 olives, vermouth & gin

Supposed to be a functioning adult
But I say bollocks to all that noise
It wasn’t all that long ago, still
Running the streets with the boys

Though I dress better now
The soul leaking through the cracks
My heart is a fragile commodity
Foreboding the oncoming attack